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5 Social Skills a Child Should Learn


Have you ever wondered why social skills classes are necessary? Well, for one, they enable us to effectively communicate with others and interact with the people around us, especially our loved ones. More specifically, it allows us to develop our careers, become joyful beings, and enhance our relationships with the people dear to us.

Allow us, Able Autism Therapy Services, your provider of ABA therapy in Alpharetta, Georgia, to share with you the most important social skills a child should learn.

  • Empathy
    We need to understand the feelings and perspectives of others. This way, we’ll know what they’re going through and come up with ideas on how we can be of help to them. We can do pretend play activities to help them develop empathy.
  • Listening
    This is our ability to focus on what others are sharing with us and absorb them. We need to learn how to probe and prepare a response when they finish talking.
  • Conflict Resolution
    Human as we are, we’re capable of making mistakes and hurting others’ feelings. However, despite its inevitability, ABA therapists encourage us to learn how to solve disputes so that we can preserve the existing relationships we have.
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
    This is our ability to communicate our ideas and feelings in words and to transfer information through body language, facial expressions, and gestures. Mastering both will encourage a stronger connection.
  • Respect
    This is about creating a safe place for everyone to speak their opinion and refraining from interrupting them or getting defensive when they do so.

Your child can learn these social skills by undergoing our autism therapy services in Georgia. Allow us to help your child become socially driven and build societal connections. Contact us to get started!

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